A significant number of the stroke lesions in the patients were located outside the cerebellum. A recent study by a Finnish research group found that, contrary to the information usually taught in ...
Timmann, D. Gerwig, M. Frings, M. Maschke, M. and Kolb, F. P. 2005. Eyeblink conditioning in patients with hereditary ataxia: a one-year follow-up study. Experimental ...
One of the surprising findings from this meta-analysis was the prominent placebo-related reduction in the activity of the cerebellum — a brain area thought to be responsible mainly for movement ...
Manto, Mario 2010. Cerebellar Lingula Thickness as a Novel Risk Factor for Alcohol and Drug Abuse. The Cerebellum, Vol. 9, Issue. 2, p. 145.
The history of research into cerebellar learning is dominated by the theory due to Marr (1969) and Albus (1971). They suggested that the climbing fibre acts as a ‘teacher’ to guide plasticity of ...