Voracious predators, bigeye trevallies have evolved lightning swiftness and exceptional cooperation that allows them to surround prey schools, herding them in close ... coral that makes up reefs.
spiky custodians gobble up the algae that smother coral reefs Lisa S. Gardiner, Hakai As rice coral spreads it reduces biodiversity ...
Researchers have found that playing the sounds of happy corals through underwater ... reef off the coast of the US Virgin Islands, The Guardian reports, finding that coral larvae were up to ...
Coral reefs across the globe once again endure mass bleaching amid warming oceans, scientists say Coral reef bleaching across happens when stressed coral expel the algae that are their food source ...
Coral reefs are underwater ecosystems that form in tropical waters. Corals are made up of tiny living organisms ... But algae is usually only found close to the surface of the water, as it gets ...
An underwater ... reefs usually appear as an endless stretch of white coral and eventually turn to dead brown coral. But in New Caledonia Vevers found something different. The corals he captures ...
Coral reefs provide an important ecosystem for life underwater, protect coastal areas by reducing ... The ridges in coral reefs act as barriers and can reduce wave energy by up to 97%, providing ...
Roatan's coral reefs are part of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, the second-largest reef system in the world. In addition to the exhilarating underwater ... coral formations close to the shore.
In the last decade, a mysterious illness called stony coral tissue loss disease has been ravaging coral in reefs across ... looking rocks but underwater—where masks fog up, sharks swim by ...
Neighbors can be annoying. They may be loud or intrude on your space. But is it worth fighting with them? Parrotfish choose ...
Reefgen's Grasshopper robot is ready for deploying into Washington's Puget Sound where it's helping with an eelgrass ...