Each nephron is made of a tubule and is responsible for 'cleaning' the blood by removing urea and excess water and mineral ions. Blood passes through the nephron inside the kidneys, there are many ...
by inhibiting the sodium/chloride cotransporter located in the distal convoluted tubule of a nephron (the functional unit of a kidney). Thiazides are also used as a common treatment for high blood ...
As the filtrate moves along the complex tubular structure of each nephron, its components can be concentrated in excess of threefold in the proximal tubule, and in some cases to much higher levels ...
Each nephron consists of a tubule and a glomerulus. While diabetic kidney disease is characterized by initial glomerular injury, proximal tubule dysfunction determines the progression to kidney ...
These data suggest that chlorothiazide acts both in the proximal and distal portions of the nephron, while mercurial agents may act largely in the proximal tubule. The different mode of action of ...
It has also been suggested that long-term administration of loop diuretics, as seen in CHF, may be associated with pharmacologic changes within the nephron ... early distal tubule causing cell ...
Each nephron begins with a glomerulus ... neither secreted nor reabsorbed by the kidney tubule, and not metabolised during its transit through the kidney tubule. In such a case, the urinary clearance ...
Upon binding of desmopressin to V2 receptors in the basolateral membrane of the cells of the distal tubule and collecting ducts of the nephron, adenylyl cyclase is stimulated. The resulting ...
Upon binding of desmopressin to V2 receptors in the basolateral membrane of the cells of the distal tubule and collecting ducts of the nephron, adenylyl cyclase is stimulated. The resulting ...
Susan L. Ravnan, PharmD, Marcus C. Ravnan, PharmD, Prakash C. Deedwania, MD; Domenic A. Sica, MD, Prakash C. Deedwania, MD, Editors One of the earliest clinical ...