To handle this, Gyrojets are spin stabilized — angled rocket nozzles would spin the bullet up to rotational speeds higher than most rifle rounds. While they may sound a bit like child’s toy ...
NASA used 3D printing to create a rocket nozzle for deep space missions. It is part of the space agency’s Reactive Additive Manufacturing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (RAMFIRE).
NASA's Reactive Additive Manufacturing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (RAMFIRE) project test-fired a 3D-printed engine ...
You don’t think of hobby-grade 3D printing as a good method for creating rocket nozzles. But [Mister Highball] managed to create a copper nozzle using a common printer, a kiln, and some special ...
The world's first flight test for an aerospike rocket engine ended in disaster, but Polaris Aerospace is back on track, ...
Karl Lee, a shady Chinese arms dealer, supplies the bulk of material and equipment for Iran’s ballistic-missile programme, ...
NASA hot fire tested an aluminum 3D printed rocket engine nozzle. Aluminum is not typically used for 3D printing because the process causes it to crack, and its low melting point makes it a ...
Sentinel-2C will replace Sentinel-2A, which launched on a Vega rocket in 2015 and is nearing the end of its life. An ...
At various centers in the United States, Northrop Grumman is marching toward the OmegA rocket’s debut flight. The company has finalized the investigation of the nozzle anomaly on the C600 ...
From rapid additive manufacturing to advanced fault detection, the “largest manufacturing show in the Western Hemisphere” offers a glimpse into what is shaping the ...
Engaging articles, breathtaking images and expert knowledge ...
Chemical rockets create their exhaust by the combustion of rocket propellant. The action of the exhaust against the inside of combustion chambers and expansion nozzles is able to accelerate the ...